Our new website has been launched today. If you take a quick glance at the homepage you will see that it is divided into several sections. The core of the entire work is the "Blog" section which provides an overview of the motif of the double in English literature, philosophy/psychology and art. This section contains the most theoretical aspects of our project, but it is possible to access to much more practical and interactive sections,which will prove to be extremely interesting for students, as the parts devoted to the "Forum" and "Activities and Tasks". We tried to exploit the visual appearence too, and our "Photogallery" is in fact rich in paintings on the motif of the double. Last but not least, clicking on "Links", students will have the chance to acess movies, videoclips and audiobooks regarding the novels discussed in the section of English Literature.
We hope that this brief overview of the structure of our blog may have you intrigued!
Enjoy it!